Saturday, July 14, 2012

Garmin GLO Portable GPS and GLONASS receiver hit the FCC, get torn down for good measure

Garmin GLO Portable GPS and GLONASS receiver hit the FCC, attempt to pinpoint their own location

Hasty, no? Merely hours after being announced to the world, Garmin's GLO Portable GPS and GLONASS receiver have touched down in the FCC's database. Per usual, that's a fairly solid indicator that the devices will be available for sale on US shores within a few weeks, and if you're curious, there's even a draft user guide tucked in the source link below. Truth be told, there's not a ton here that wasn't already made public -- it's obviously "Made for iPod / iPhone / iPad," and Garmin asserts that the included battery will take three hours to charge but 12 hours to deplete. The manual also asserts that Android users "may need to use an application to allow the sensor to properly communication over Bluetooth," and just in case you're thinking of getting wet and wild, the outer casing is said to be "rugged, but not water-resistant." For shame -- we were totally looking forward to geotagging our next romp down the Gauley.



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