Saturday, July 14, 2012

MapQuest picks TomTom Maps to power iPhone and Android turn-by-turn navigation apps

By Darren Murph posted Jul 14th 2012 1:32PM

MapQuest picks TomTom Maps to power iPhone and Android turnbyturn navigation apps

Still trying to figure out which way to turn when it comes to on-phone navigation? How's about a free option to ponder? MapQuest's gratis iPhone and Android programs are set to get a heck of a lot better, and soon. The company just announced that TomTom would become its maps provider, enabling it to provide coverage for more than 7.5 million miles of roads across North America. Interestingly, it seems that TomTom is finding new life after the death of the PND (personal navigation device) in software; just last month, Apple knighted TomTom to power its own internal Maps app, which is set to debut with iOS 6.



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